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Always On The Job For You!

Vidor, Texas 77662

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An open ended letter to a non named customer - you know who you are - let your husband know:

For a guy that works all week, The lawn guy is a blessing.


For a guy that has all the time in the world to baby his hedges and lawn but physically cannot, I am just one more thing that makes him feel useless. Less of a man. A sign that he's worthless.


He resented me before he ever met me. It isn't his fault, it isn't mine. He probably spent all week convincing a family member that he wasn't too old to go back in that yard and reclaim a little of his sense of purpose & pride before his grandson / wife called me. No man wants to admit he is too old to be the hunter/gatherer and provider anymore. It stings like salt in their eyes and I'mthe enemy reminding them of their frailty every time I show up on to their house.

That old man who won't come out and shake my hand when I'm done with his yard? It's taken 4 years in this business, but I've learned to not take it personal. That's his pride trying not to slip away.

Hats off to you, grumpy old guy who hates the lawn guy his grandchild or wife hired.

You made it to a point in your life many didn't have the chance and honor to get to : enjoy it. You earned it.

Grab a Corona and surprise the lawn guy ; you may be surprised yourself that he's interested in what you did before retirement, your accomplishments etc

Didja know Dirty Deeds isn't our first business venture?


Pa had " Geek on Wheels " back in HS where he came to your house and fixed your computer for you in home. He learned a hard lesson that a business needs capital, credit and an infrastructure to function. It flopped.

Years later Pa was back at again, but with zeal and passion. Zombie - Cycles was then born. He decided to take the hobby of refurbishing old bicycles and selling them for 1/4th the cost of a brand new bicycle. Paquickly learned just because you are good at something and have a passion for it doesn't equal rolling in the cash. We ended up giving away over 50 bicycles to charity because there wasn't a market for recycled bicycles.

Why am I telling you this?

Because I want you to know to not give up. I'm now year 3 into my own ever expanding, humbly profitable business. I get to work with my wife and best friend, I meet new people all the time. I make ugly things beautiful and get paid for it.

3rd time was the charm. Don't give up. If you are hell bent on escaping the rat race of an hourly paid job like I was, keep that dream up.